General / 15 December 2020

Coiffure, monthly update VOL5

Hi guys ,

I just uploaded the last update of Coiffure (V1.5)

This release doesn't have a new major feature however it will offer you 130 default strands to play with !

The strands has been created by the talented Andrew Krivulya (

How to install the update ?

First I would recommand to backup your curent Coiffure source folder (just in case we never know !).

Then on your gumroad account you will find a new Coiffure source folder (178Mo) that you can download. It's still possible to download the vanilla Coiffure Source Folder.

Then you can merge the content of the new Coiffure source folder and accept to replace the old files or you can simply use this Coiffure source folder if you are a new user

New feature: change the category of a duplicated strand

It's a small update but it helped Andrew to create those strand variation in no time. When you open the duplication window of a strand you will be able to simply change the strand category.
So you won't have to recreate everything from scratch :)

That's all for this time,

Happy grooming !
